Module Latex

type latex_output =
| Kind of int * bool * Raw.pkind
| KindDef of int * string Pos.loc
| Term of int * bool * Raw.pterm
| KindOf of int * string Pos.loc
| Text of string
| List of latex_output list
| SProof of Raw.pkind * Raw.pkind
| TProof of int * Pos.strloc
| Sch of string Pos.loc * string Pos.loc * int * string
| Sct of string Pos.loc
| Witnesses
val search_schemas : string -> Ast.typ_prf -> Ast.schema list
val to_string : latex_output -> string
val output : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> latex_output -> unit
val ignore_latex : bool Stdlib.ref
val ordi_to_printer : ('a * Ast.ordi) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) * (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit)